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Writer's pictureEllie Rentoul, Corporate Coach

Talent Tuesday: Intellection®

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Set aside time to think.

Invest in your Intellection®talents by setting aside a few minutes every day just to think. This will help clarify your thinking and crystallize your ideas. As a result, your thinking will be sharper and more effective and your projects more productive.

TALENT DESCRIPTION - Intellection®: You love to think, and it’s important that you honour this need in you. You are the type of person who enjoys time alone because you can muse and reflect. You like mental activity. You like exercising the “muscles” of your brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, you may be trying to solve a problem or develop an idea or understand another person’s feelings.

The exact focus will depend on your other strengths. On the other hand, this mental activity may very well lack focus. The theme of Intellection® does not dictate what you are thinking about; it simply describes that you like to think. You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection. You are introspective.

In a sense, you are your own best companion, as you pose yourself questions and try out answers on yourself to see how they sound. This introspection may lead you to a slight sense of discontent as you compare what you are actually doing with all the thoughts and ideas that your mind conceives. Or this introspection may tend toward more pragmatic matters such as the events of the day or a conversation that you plan to have later. Wherever it leads you, this mental hum is one of the constants of your life.

POWER AND EDGEOF Intellection®: The particular genius of people with especially strong Intellection talents stems from the processing that occurs when they think. When they have time to ponder and process, wisdom and clarity result. They can serve as a sounding board that helps others stretch to discover new ways to solve problems or enhance the quality of their work.

Intellection® IN ACTION Words that might describe a person with dominant Intellection talents:

· introspective

· solitary

· intellectual

· philosophical

· in-depth

· reflective

· discontent

· thinking

· intense

· musing

· driven


  1. Invest in your Intellection talents by setting aside a few minutes every day just to think.

  2. You can even create regular calendar invitations to remind you to take time to think alone.

  3. Keep track of your thoughts in a journal or a way that works best for you. Writing might be the best way to crystallize and integrate your thoughts.

  4. Explain to others why you need time for introspection. Although it might seem to others that you are slow to act, introspection allows you to refine your ideas; thus, for you, it is productive behaviour.

  5. Find partners who also love to think and want to hear your reflections.

  6. Deliberately build relationships with people you consider to be “big thinkers.” Their example will inspire you to focus your own thinking.

  7. Always take the time to consider big projects before the action begins. Your timely insights will allow the project to move forward intelligently and without backtracking.

  8. Allow others time to think through your new idea after you have presented it for the first time. Realize that they might not immediately understand this new idea because they have not spent as much time as you have pondering it. This is particularly crucial to individuals with a strong Strategic® Talent.

  9. Try to meet people who share the same interests as you, and create intellectual conversations with them.


When you make time to ponder and process, you clarify your thinking and crystallize your ideas. As a result, your thinking will be sharper and more effective. This helps you serve as a sounding board for team members to discover new ways to solve problems or enhance the quality of their work. Your timely insights will allow the project to move forward intelligently and without backtracking.

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